Monday 4 July 2011

Tutorial on flute basics

Here is a video of our group member Marcus Goh giving a tutorial on the basics of flute.

Producing the Essential Tone

Embouchure is your mouth's position on the mouthpiece of the instrument. A good embouchure takes time and effort, so follow these steps for success... :)
  1. Hold the closed end of the head joint in your left hand. Cover the open end with your palm of your right hand.
  2. Rest the embouchure plate on your bottom lip. Center the embouchure hole on the center of your lips. Check by touching the embouchure hole with the tip of your tongue.
  3. Gently roll the head joint forward so that approximately 1/4 of the embouchure hole is covered by the lower lip.
  4. Keep upper and lower teeth spaced slightly apart.
  5. Draw the corners of your mouth straight back and relax your lower lip.
  6. Make a small opening on the center of your lips. Blow air partly into and partly across the embouchure hole
  7. Last but not least, practice regularly in front of a mirror. (Because practice makes perfect!) Roll the head joint in or out to find out the best embouchure position that produces your best clear and full tone
Hope this would help!

Breathing and Airstream

In order to discover the correct airstream to play your instrument:
  • Place your palm of your hand near your mouth.
  • Inhale deeply through the corners of your mouth, keeping your shoulders steady. Your waist shoud expand like a balloon.
  • Slowly whisper "too" as you gradually exhale air into your palm.
The air you feel is the airstream. Your tongue is like a faucet or valve that releases the airstream.


Sit on the edge of the chair, and always keep your:
  • Spine straight and tall
  • Shoulders back and relaxed
  • Feet flat on the floor

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Flute? How to play... you may ask?

No! I can't get things right! I sound to airy despite pressing the notes right! How? Not a problem, check out this webpage and you will know a lot more on how to play, safety precautions and a Youtube Video on how to play it right!

Interested about notes of the flute?

Well, a beginner? Interested in learning flutes? But first, you have to get the notes right... Here is a link for you to learn the notes well! Enjoy! :)

Monday 9 May 2011

did you know?

  • flute is a musical instrument from the woodwind family
  • Theobald Boehm evolved the flute and fingering system we currently use.
  • a musician who plays flute is called a flautist